Category: Approach

What To Expect in Litigation – 6 Simple Stages for Resolving Commercial Disputes

When you ask, how will this litigation unfold, how often have you heard: ’it depends on the dispute’ – far…

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Strength, Power, Gender: Warped Perceptions in the Law (The story of David & Goliath)

In the law, the way we understand strength is often misguided by unconscious bias. Certain lawyers are preferred over others.…

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Guessing the future: How vague language protects lawyers from accountability

When a dispute arises – and the future seems uncertain – legal counsel is turned to for clarity.  The lawyer’s task is to condense any complexity into advice that will…

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Matt Bolitho On Bringing Elite Sports Management to Aptum

Matt Bolitho proceeds to Aptum from the world of professional sporting organisations, having played pivotal roles in business development including…

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Virtual Mediation is demanding more: 3 ways to get more from it

A perennial question for clients is this, ‘How do I resolve my dispute faster?’ The primary mechanism for that, in a litigation…

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Plan to Lose – It’s a Thoughtful Way to Win

The legal dispute resolution process is a series of decisions towards our objective. And when making decisions about the steps we should take and the money…

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