Class Action Disputes

Aptum’s innovative litigation model is designed to effectively resolve large scale, complex commercial disputes.

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How can Aptum help?

Class actions can be a powerful legal instrument for pooling resources and sharing risk in large scale disputes involving multiple parties.

Aptum’s experience in large scale, complex litigation enables us to advise on class actions spanning many industries, and on the various roles a party can play in protecting or pursuing legal and commercial interests.

Our focus on early and ongoing assessment of risk in complex litigation is an essential complement to class action litigation.  Identifying the most effective and efficient legal pathway is particularly important in disputes where there are many parties and legal issues at play.

With the capability to work with claimants, respondents and funders in a class action dispute, Aptum has a strong handle on the strategies leading to successful class action outcomes.

Aptum has strong relationships with litigation funders, and our capability to offer value-based pricing enables our clients to share risk in even the most complex class action disputes.

What Makes Aptum Different

Specialist expertise

All we do is litigate complex commercial and tax disputes.

Legal intelligence framework

Practical, ongoing risk assessment to focus on the essential.

Project management framework

Routine documented strategy through custom project management.

Select Team Members

Nigel Evans Managing Director
Tuan Van Le Practice Lead, Tax Disputes

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