Category: Resources

How to Guide: The first meeting with a litigation lawyer

How do you know if a lawyer is right for you and your business and what can you expect? It…

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Is your litigation on the right track?

If you’re in commercial litigation, it’s natural to feel uncertain about the legal process and the outcome. But there is…

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Aptum’s Top 5 Articles of 2021

In 2021, the Aptum team has combined to produce content that aims to be transparent, objective and pragmatic for commercial…

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Video Series: ATO Debt Recovery & COVID-19

With COVID-19 stimulus programs contributing to a large budget deficit for Australia, the ATO is set to take more aggressive…

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Video Series: ‘How to Divorce Your Business Partner Amicably’

All too often, shareholder disputes dissolve into fights that are just as hostile as some family law disputes. And, like…

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What To Expect in Litigation – 6 Simple Stages for Resolving Commercial Disputes

When you ask, how will this litigation unfold, how often have you heard: ’it depends on the dispute’ – far…

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