Category: Approach

How do you know if you’re getting value for your litigation spend?

The “more for less” challenge confronts every director and general counsel responsible for managing litigation.  “More for less” is about…

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Video Series: The legal impacts of COVID-19 on Australian businesses

Navigating your business through COVID-19 may be presenting a range of challenges and unexpected circumstances that are incredibly difficult to…

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Are you on the path to resolution?

4 warning signs that your commercial litigation is not on the most effective path The most effective path to resolution…

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The cost of litigation – Why “Bill Shock” should be a thing of the past.

The cost of litigation can be overwhelming. We all know it, but it seems to be something the legal industry…

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Fixated on outcomes that are in the best interests of our client

We recently achieved a very successful outcome for a client (a subcontractor in the construction industry) at mediation defending an…

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Is your lawyer up to it? 3 ways to evaluate whether you need a change

It may begin with your calls going unanswered. Then a cancelled meeting. Then a few weeks pass with you having…

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