Introducing Aptum’s Chief Technology Officer

  • Posted By: Aptum Admin
  • November 2, 2018
  • 2 Minute(s) to read
Headshot of Aptum Chief of Technology David Adason

Despite being a young law firm, Aptum has just appointed our first Chief Technology Officer. The role of our CTO is to design, develop and roll out information systems and collaborative working platforms that drive operational efficiency, transparency and provide a streamlined experience for our clients. It happens that our CTO is David Mason, one of our respected senior lawyers.

David is driven to bring the best technology to Aptum and to our customers. Like all of us at Aptum, he knows from previous experience what it is like to work with dusty systems that are unfortunately all too common in the legal industry. Rather than continue on with the status quo, David wants to find a better way of practicing law and drive a better customer experience for all of Aptum’s clients.

It is a benefit of a young law firm that we aren’t encumbered with legacy systems and can instead adopt and adapt new technology platforms and applications that are delivering benefits and driving improvements in other industries. For progressive lawyers like David, it is anachronistic to be tied to an analogue and paper based way of working when digital solutions are available.

For us, adopting technology isn’t a “nice to have”, it’s an imperative for business success. We are committed to providing our clients with an experience that is transparent, accessible and provides certainty in cost and process. We want to innovate and find new solutions to problems and we need a way of working that enables us to learn and iterate and improve, not to recycle and repeat. We also want our clients to collaborate with us and tell us ways in which we can be better, which they can only do if they feel comfortable that we are open to new ideas and open, honest communication.

Technology is driving better customer experiences in industries around the world and the law should be no different.

For the moment, our focus is internal – from integrating tech solutions to maximise efficiencies in our current workflows, to consolidating our project management system, to ensuring we deliver best-in-class litigation management – but we are also very excited for future developments which are just over the horizon aimed towards better integrating our team and our clients, and provide new and efficient ways of easing our clients’ legal burden, particularly for in-house lawyers and insolvency practitioners. More news on those developments to come.

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