Marita Evans

Director of Business Development, Strategy & Brand

Marita’s experience spans the whole breadth of the legal profession, having worked in the top-tier in Australia and the UK, been a member of the Independent Bar and founded her own solicitor’s practice, all before joining in the founding of Aptum.

Marita believes that it’s not the law or the objective evidence that defines a dispute – it’s the people at its centre. Having experienced the profession from all angles, Marita’s passion is for uplifting the experience of junior practitioners and clients alike, both of whom are often (paradoxically) relegated to lower levels of importance to serve the demands of traditional legal practice.

Marita’s primary driver is to create a workplace where lawyers are valued, nurtured and respected, and a practice where clients are seen, heard and well cared for – principles which have become central to Aptum’s practice.

Michael Buscema

Michael has an extensive career in technical taxation policy and complex dispute resolution. For 11 years prior to joining Aptum,…

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Rachel Tedesco

Rachel brings a passion for systems and services design to Aptum. With a background in graphic and interactive design, Rachel…

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Calvin Li Wan Po

Ideating and exploring new ideas is Calvin’s modality. Awarded as the highest achiever in a Bachelor of Business (Professional), majoring…

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